Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Captured Beauty" / Editing Pictures / Picasa


I decided to finally give in and use Picasa... I'm still new to the software but it's pretty cool. It's really user friendly and you can even edit pictures. I have Photoshop, and I know how to use it, but I feel like it's so much work to just get a vignette, or to just change your picture into something simple. So Picasa has some options for simple photo-editing that I need. If i want to do something major like cloning, or changing colors, then i'll use Photoshop. But I try to stray away from it because IT'S JUST SO MUCH WORK! I'm lazy. So I just wanted to show you my first photo I edited, called "Captured Beauty". I would do a before and after... but I somehow lost the original... Bear with me, I'm still figuring out Picasa. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bronx Botanical Garden


I finally...finally.. figured out what was going on with my files. So, to celebrate, my mom and I decided to go to the Bronx Botanical Garden to take some pictures and see Monet's Water Lilies exhibition. (p.s. Monet's probably my favorite artist, he really is an inspiration to me and I really admire him) Now we got in for free, because my mom has this card that lets her into all these museums for free, so expect to see a lot of museum type pictures in the future haha or more flowers... So, I made 2 major mistakes that day.
1. I did not charge my battery.. haha.... So basically I only had 1 bar left...
2. I brought a 4GB 4GB!!!! Memory card with me.. Am I mental?

Other mistakes were that my camera was shooting in raw and jpeg... So it was taking double the memory..
Another mistake..or something I didn't realize until afterwards.. was that I had my battery charger with me... If I just found a place to charge it like the library, then I would have been set. I will never do this again. I guess, you need to make the mistake first to learn from it. But, I've decided to go back next weekend and shoot more pictures. The Garden is huge.. HUGE. I only went to about 1/10th of the actual garden. Here's some pictures I took, unedited.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to post any of my recent pictures (and trust me I have a ton of new ones) but my camera has been acting strange and I haven't been able to upload my pictures properly. It's been saving as a nef or raw image and i've never had this trouble before. 

Monday, June 25, 2012


There's always a lot of flowers blooming during these weather changes. I've actually seen this flower bloom 3 times this past Spring. I just love the colors of the petals, the pink to white to yellow. It's really beautiful. I'm hoping to post some more Summer pictures since Summer just began. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Puerto Rican Day

A couple weekends ago I went to Jersey City and we were walking by the streets and you see dozens of bulky, hearty men come down the street, not in Harley Davidson motorcycles but bicycles. I thought it was the cutest thing to see all these grown men riding a bicycle meant for teenagers and kids. They were all wearing the patriotic attire with their speakers in the back playing music. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Another year gone...

So today's my birthday and I just can't believe that another year has gone by...But when I think about it, i've changed a lot from a year ago. It's really surreal to me that next year I'll be sophmore, I'll be turning 16.. It's just insane to me. This picture was from my 14th birthday last year, and as you can see they spelled my name wrong. Not the first time this has happened on my cake, haha. Happy Birthday Chole!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Draw Something Movie Trailer


A friend of mine who's really talented in cinematography made a new trailer for the popular app Draw Something. He took a really creative and suspenseful approach to it and it's really amazing. Although this isn't photography it's along the lines of it. I really hope you guys can share the video and enjoy it :) He also did a trailer for Temple Run which is amazing as well and has almost 800,000 views. 

Link to... Draw Something Movie Trailer
Link to... Temple Run Movie Trailer