Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bronx Botanical Garden


I finally...finally.. figured out what was going on with my files. So, to celebrate, my mom and I decided to go to the Bronx Botanical Garden to take some pictures and see Monet's Water Lilies exhibition. (p.s. Monet's probably my favorite artist, he really is an inspiration to me and I really admire him) Now we got in for free, because my mom has this card that lets her into all these museums for free, so expect to see a lot of museum type pictures in the future haha or more flowers... So, I made 2 major mistakes that day.
1. I did not charge my battery.. haha.... So basically I only had 1 bar left...
2. I brought a 4GB 4GB!!!! Memory card with me.. Am I mental?

Other mistakes were that my camera was shooting in raw and jpeg... So it was taking double the memory..
Another mistake..or something I didn't realize until afterwards.. was that I had my battery charger with me... If I just found a place to charge it like the library, then I would have been set. I will never do this again. I guess, you need to make the mistake first to learn from it. But, I've decided to go back next weekend and shoot more pictures. The Garden is huge.. HUGE. I only went to about 1/10th of the actual garden. Here's some pictures I took, unedited.
