Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Captured Beauty" / Editing Pictures / Picasa


I decided to finally give in and use Picasa... I'm still new to the software but it's pretty cool. It's really user friendly and you can even edit pictures. I have Photoshop, and I know how to use it, but I feel like it's so much work to just get a vignette, or to just change your picture into something simple. So Picasa has some options for simple photo-editing that I need. If i want to do something major like cloning, or changing colors, then i'll use Photoshop. But I try to stray away from it because IT'S JUST SO MUCH WORK! I'm lazy. So I just wanted to show you my first photo I edited, called "Captured Beauty". I would do a before and after... but I somehow lost the original... Bear with me, I'm still figuring out Picasa.